Friday, July 8, 2011

Week 4- Boones Chapel, Trinity Baptist, Medina United Methodist, First Baptist Collierville, Little Union, New Bethel, Mt. View, and New Blackwell


    This was a wonderful week at Leawood. We had a returning group in, New Blackwell, but this was their first time to run Leawood. We split the kids up into 3 groups and saved the song station until the end  with a special surprise....PUPPETS! The kids absolutely loved the puppets, especially since the majority of our kids are seven and under. We had our record number for kids broken three times over this week. On monday, when I told the team to expect 20, God blessed our site with 43. On wednesday, we had 48 kids and on friday God really showed out....we had 53 kids that we were able to minister to! It has been awesome to see God continually grow Leawood each week. We were also able to open up a new route on Treadwell Street. We had a total of 5 kids from that street with a potential for 3 or 4 more. There were a total of 33 new children that showed up this week.
    One highlight of the week was getting to hear DJ's version of Bazooka Bubble Gum. All he wanted to repeat was "pop my collar". Another memorable moment was when Ana started dancing to the puppets.
   On tuesday, we had rain in the morning so we had bible club in the gym during the afternoon. This helped us get some newer kids who were usually in summer school in the mornings. I want to give a BIG shout out to New Blackwell. They had so much passion and love for these children. I am so thankful they decided to come this week and work at Leawood.
   Please stay in prayer for this next week as most of the Leawood kids will take a field trip over to the National site. Pray we overflow that site with multitudes of children! Now put your "L's" in and scream "GOOOOO LEAWOOODD!" - Matt

    This week at National we were blessed to have a returning team from Trinity Baptist in Manchester, TN. This team has seen National in so many ways, but it has been so neat to see what God has done over the past three years. Mrs. Kitty, a team member, came up to me and said, "Do you remember when we prayed for 30 kids 3 years ago?" I replied, "Yeah it is crazy how many God has brought to us to minister to." Now National is praying for over 100! The passion and love the team has shown these kids is astounding. It's such a blessing to be able to witness God bring in people for the kids to look up to. The bonds they make over the week is a lasting one, forever impacting the kids throughout their childhood. Prayer is so POWERFUL, and God is so Faithful! Thank you so much Trinity, thank you for showing what it means to really show love through actions. - Erica

    This past week at Johnson was another success. We reached our record 45 kids again and had a few new kids as well. Our team from Medina United Methodist was new to Street Reach but they learned pretty quickly and improved the site each day! You could really see that they wanted to make a powerful impact on the lives of the kids at Johnson, and that's exactly what they did. God was very faithful in providing love through the actions of the team. Even in their smiles, God brought joy to the kids. We packed as much love into them as we could. Please pray that when we return that the kids will be as receptive! Thank you Medina! 

    The team this week was First Baptist Church of Collierville. They were an amazing team! They were very well prepared to serve the children and hungry to reach out to more daily. They entertained the kids during bible story by providing costumes for the children to put on. They even allowed for them to act out some of the stories being told. The songs were very interactive and easy to sing along with for the children. They really enjoyed doing all the hand motions. 
    Kickball was a real popular activity among the older kids! They loved it! A memorable moment for us was seeing Reggie smile for the first time this past week, and he didn't stop smiling for the rest of the week. 
    Antavius' s Birthday was Friday, unfortunately he was not celebrating it this year due to his mom having to have surgery. After hearing about this, Collierville was able to bless him by bringing him gifts. God does big things through obedient hearts! All in all, the week was wonderful and the team blew us all away. The kids were extremely grateful to have Collierville. - Cole..... and Michelle

    This week, Whittier was ran by the New Bethel Church team. This was the second week that Whittier was able to run at the New Life Park location. New Bethel was very excited to come back and minister to the kids at whittier again. The kids enjoyed the challenging, unique, and creative games that New Bethel presented.
    Each day the kids were able to make and take home a craft that complimented the "superhero" theme that New Bethel came up with. Helmets, shields, and breastplates were just some of the things that Whittier kids were able to take home and show off. 
    The bible stories were exciting and upbeat to keep the kids entertained. They also added to the "Superhero" theme extremely well. The team also introduced a few new songs that the kids would sing at the beginning at camp and could be heard as they were walking home at the end. Thank you New Bethel for making this week fun and exciting for the kids! - Josh

    Wow! What a great week to end the first half of the summer with New Bethel UMC returning to the Kendrick BYBC site. They did something unique by setting everything to a "superhero" theme. During crafts, the kids would make a new piece of spiritual armor, starting with the belt of truth and ending with the shield of faith. It was so cool to see some of the kids wearing all their armor to club on friday. 
    Games kept the kids going, going, going, with relays and ball games to fill every second of the station. Finally, Bible Stories gave the kids a chance to show their dramatic flare as they acted out stories such as David and Goliath, Ester, and Jesus calming the storm. These stories taught the kids of various "superheroes" of the bible, and that Jesus is the ULTIMATE super hero. 
    New Bethel immediately fell in love with the kids and even got a chance to celebrate cody's 6th Birthday. The team reached out to the older kids and "LS" shined with great leadership this week. I thank God for the fun week we had and the 50 kids He brought out Friday. Thank you New Bethel, you will be missed! - Holly 

     Week 4 at Street Reach was a success. It was one of our largest weeks of team members and because of that we were able to open a 9th site this week. 
    I normally hang out at Kendrick, but this week I had the pleasure of serving the kids of Leahyville and the surrounding community. I was a little nervous at first about changing sites, but the Acteens team from Boones Chapel was amazing. They were never satisfied with the amount of children we had and they brought in record numbers for the site because of it. 
    Bible Story was awesome. I loved seeing the kids act out the stories they were telling. On our day with 64 kids they talked about praising God - they passed a ball around the circle and each child thanked God for something. When 7 year-old Junior's turn came, he looked around and said, "I'm thankful that we call all be here!" Thanks go to Mrs. Allison, Morgan, Charlotte, & Kelsi for a great time at Bible Story. 
    Games seem like they would be pretty simple, but figuring out what works best with who can be a challenge. My team did a great job of adapting to each age group with age appropriate games. I think the kid's favorites were soccer, Ninja, and dodgeball...and maybe the parachute for the little ones! Great job goes to Mrs. Brandy, Sidney, Sarah, and Ashley. 
    I am still singing some of the catchy little songs that we learned this week at Leahy's. We put up a tent for shade, the team had a cd player- oh did I mention there were buckets, drumsticks, bells and tamborines involved??? The kids had a blast. Songs were awesome, thanks to Mrs. Suzanne, Brittany, Brooke, & Laney. 
    Crafts were out of this world. We had paint, markers, beads, plaster of parris and so much more. My favorite craft of the week was really cool. The ladies brought ceiling tiles from Alabama for the kids to paint and make bulliten boards with. These were not just any tiles, but came from Boones chapel's BC after the tornados destroyed their building, What a testiment to Christ's love that this group still pulled together and came to serve others. Thanks Mrs. Lisa, Laurie, Brooke, and Sarah for your hard work. 
    Leahyville Bible Club was great this week! I wanted to share one thing. Early this week one of our boys, Erik, had his appendix removed. On Thursday I looked up to see his mom dropping him off. He really wanted to come so she brought him a chair and we'd walk him to each station. He also came on Friday. This is the kind of impact you guys make on the lives of these kids when you serve them. 

    What a week it has been this week. Mt. View Baptist came from Antioch, TN and did a fantastic job! The kids loved having you guys here to love on them. The team worked really hard to get the kids and was passionate about sharing the love of Jesus. When the kids arrived, the team did free play, and then we split the kids into groups. The bible story station was great and the kids learned some awesome and fun new songs. The highlight of the week was when two of the girls came to club for the first time and accepted Christ as their savior. Jenn Jenn helped in guiding them to HIm and they were so excited to be part of God's family. On Friday, the team took the kids home and all the kid wanted to stay. Great job Mt. View!! - Heather 

Rosamond 2 
    We had a great first week at he new Rosamond site! After getting it cleaned up, there was a lot of excitement about how the new club site would be. The children were very happy about having a bible club that was closer to home, and we were able to reach children that had never been to bible club! The week started out a little slow with 9 kids on the first day, but steadily progressed until there was 29 on Friday! 
    The team at the new club site was Little Union from Indiana, This was their first time with us at Street Reach, and they did a fantastic job. They were very flexible, and really showed great hearts in going to find new children. The children on the new site grew to love them, and it was a great experience for the new team. God did some amazing things at Rosamond 2 this week, and we will be looking forward to what is in store next! - Jonathan 

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